the module
the public path
runtime?: RuntimeSpecruntime
the async block
the chunk graph
request?: stringrequest string used originally
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
the async block
the chunk graph
the message
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
Add a comment
chunkname of the chunk referenced
chunkreason information of the chunk
exportname of the export
message?: stringadditional message
request?: stringrequest string used originally
asitrue, if location is safe for ASI, a bracket can be emitted
when false, call context will not be preserved
when true and accessing the default exports, interop code will be generated
the export name
the identifier name of the import variable
init fragments will be added here
true, if expression will be called
the module
the module graph
the origin module
the request
runtime for which this code will be generated
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
the chunk graph
name of the import variable
the module
module in which the statement is emitted
the request that should be printed as comment
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
update?: booleanwhether a new variable should be created or the existing one updated
weak?: booleantrue, if this is a weak dependency
the chunk graph
the module
the request that should be printed as comment
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
weak?: booleanif the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
the chunk graph
the module
the request that should be printed as comment
weak?: booleanif the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
the chunk graph
the module
the request that should be printed as comment
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
strict?: booleanif the current module is in strict esm mode
weak?: booleanif the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
block?: AsyncDependenciesBlockthe current dependencies block
the chunk graph
a message for the comment
the module
the request that should be printed as comment
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
strict?: booleanif the current module is in strict esm mode
weak?: booleanif the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
the chunk graph
the module
the request that should be printed as comment
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
weak?: booleanif the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
the chunk graph
runtime?: RuntimeSpecruntime for which this code will be generated
runtimeonly execute the statement in some runtimes
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
the chunk graph
the dependency
request?: stringrequest string used originally
if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
the chunk graph
idexpression to use as id expression
the module
the request that should be printed as comment
which kind of code should be returned
Generated using TypeDoc
the code generation results