electronTreat common electron built-in modules in main and preload context like 'electron', 'ipc' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
electronTreat electron built-in modules in the main context like 'app', 'ipc-main' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
electronTreat electron built-in modules in the preload context like 'web-frame', 'ipc-renderer' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
electronTreat electron built-in modules in the renderer context like 'web-frame', 'ipc-renderer' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
nodeTreat node.js built-in modules like fs, path or vm as external and load them via require() when used.
nwjsTreat NW.js legacy nw.gui module as external and load it via require() when used.
webTreat references to 'http(s)://...' and 'std:...' as external and load them via import when used (Note that this changes execution order as externals are executed before any other code in the chunk).
webTreat references to 'http(s)://...' and 'std:...' as external and load them via async import() when used (Note that this external type is an async module, which has various effects on the execution).
Generated using TypeDoc
Enable presets of externals for specific targets.